Awarding Model
The 7th Iranian National Energy Management Awards (Iran-EMA), similar to the 6th Iran-EMA, is awarded
in 4 categories, as mentioned in the Scope of Inclusion section:
- 1. The Energy-intensive industries for which the Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of
Iran has compiled the ‘National Energy Efficiency Standard’ by the end of 2020;
- 2. Energy consumers’ equipment of choice for which the Institute of Standards & Industrial
Research of Iran has compiled the ‘National Energy Efficiency Standard’ by the end of 2020;
- 3. Large non-residential/administrative buildings for which the Institute of Standards &
Industrial Research of Iran has determined the ‘National Energy Efficiency Standard’;
- 4. Energy saving projects, according to the definitions and concepts determined by the award
An overview of the model for each section:
Industries Certified with the National Energy Efficiency Standard
Conforming to the designed scientific model, the points that applicants involved in the
energy-intensive industries and processes receive in the competition will be calculated based on the
technical points (for the energy efficiency of the in the year in question), the efficiency
improvement points as compared to the previous year, and the energy management system (quality)
In this section, the purpose of assessing the Iran-EMA applicants is to review the below indexes in
terms of the award’s goals:
- • Energy consumption efficiency in comparison with the set criteria (standards);
- • Evaluation of the obtained results and potentials for energy efficiency (improvement trend);
- • Review of the energy management system status (current status).
Topics to be evaluated in this category of the Iran-EMA include energy efficiency criteria based on
national standards, and the energy management systems’ performance level of the applicant
organizations concerned. After the evaluation, based on the set indicators and the scoring system,
the top organizations in each industrial category will be introduced as the recipients of the
Iran-EMA. The information required in order to assess, rate, and rank the applicants, can be divided
into two groups:
- a.General info: Includes the information required for the registration and the
- b. technical/management info: Includes all information related to production
consumption of various energy carriers, the status and performance of the energy management
system, and the energy-related technical standards in the applicant organization’s scope of
Given the importance of technical aspects of a tangible reduction in energy consumption and based
on the conducted plans for this category, the main portion of the points for the award consists
of the points for technical improvement level compared to the previous year. In order to ensure
the related processes for obtaining technical points to be systematic, certain points have been
allocated to the evaluated status of the energy management system. According to the definition
of this objective, the amount of Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) is the most important
indicator in evaluating the energy consumption efficiency of any industrial unit.
In order to make the assessment possible, applicants must provide the following information when
filling the statement form.
- • General specifications of the company
- • Energy consumption information
- • Product/production information
- • General information on the energy management system
The declarations are assessed by qualified teams of assessors, and in cases where the applicants does
not meet the set qualifications in terms of energy efficiency standards, they will not receive the
whole points of the technical section.
The status assessments of the energy management system will be conducted at the enterprise’s
Selected Manufacturers of Energy-consuming Equipment (products) Certified with the National Energy
Efficiency Standard
Conforming to the model, the points that applicants involved in the energy-consuming equipment
(products) sector receive in the competition will be calculated based on the technical points (for
the energy return [on investment] efficiency in the year in question), the points for efficiency
improvement (based on the energy return of the equipment in question as compared to the previous
year), and the points for energy management system (quality).
In this section, the purpose of assessing the Iran-EMA applicants is to review the below indexes in
terms of the award’s goals:
- • Energy return efficiency in comparison with the set criteria (standards);
- • Evaluation of the obtained results and potentials for improving the energy return of the
manufactured products in question;
- • Review of the energy management system status.
Topics to be evaluated in this category of the Iran-EMA include energy return efficiency (of the
manufactured products in question) criteria based on national standards, and the energy management
systems’ performance level of the applicant organizations concerned. After the evaluation, based on
the set indicators and the scoring system, the top organizations in each industrial category will be
introduced as the recipients of the Iran-EMA. The information required in order to assess, rate, and
rank the applicants, can be divided into two groups:
- a. General info: Includes the information required for the registration and the
- b. Energy-related technical/management info: Includes all information related
to production and
the energy return efficiency of products in question, the status and performance of the energy
management system, and the energy-related technical standards in the applicant organization’s
scope of work.
- c. Information related to the product standard certification stamp: The
applicant must have
already received both the standard certified badge and the energy label for the products in
question; in order to review these, the certificate eligibility and other relevant records will
be inquired. Note that due to the sensitivity of the issue, failing to meet this requirement
will eliminate the applicant from the award process.
Given the importance of technical aspects of a tangible reduction in energy consumption and based on
the conducted plans for this category, the main portion of the points for the award consists of the
points for technical improvement level compared to the previous year. In order to ensure the related
processes for obtaining technical points to be systematic, certain points have been allocated to the
evaluated status of the energy management system. According to the definition of this objective, the
amount of energy return efficiency is the most important indicator in evaluating the energy
consumption efficiency of any industrial unit.
In order to make the assessment possible, applicants must provide the following information when
filling the statement form.
- • General specifications of the company
- • Information on the energy return efficiency of the product in question
- • Information on the production rate/quantity of all the company’s products
- • General information on the energy management system
The declarations are assessed by qualified teams of assessors, and in cases where the applicants’
products in question do not meet the set qualifications in terms of energy return efficiency
standards, they will not receive the whole points of the technical section.
The status assessments of the energy management system will be conducted at the manufacturer of the
products’ site.
Administrative Buildings
Conforming to the model, the technical points will be calculated based on the energy efficiency of
the year in question, the efficiency improvement (trend) in comparison to the previous year, and the
energy management system.
Also, the Administrative Buildings section points that applicants receive, will be calculated based
on the technical points (for energy efficiency in the year in question), the points for efficiency
improvement (based on the trend - as compared to the previous year), and the energy management
system (status quality) points.
In this section, the purpose of assessing the Iran-EMA applicants is to review the below indexes in
terms of the award’s goals:
- • Energy consumption efficiency in comparison with the set criteria;
- • Evaluation of the obtained results and potentials for energy efficiency improvement;
- • Review of the energy management system status.
Topics to be evaluated in this category of the Iran-EMA include energy efficiency criteria based on
the 14254 national standard, and the energy management systems’ performance level of the applicants
in terms of administrative buildings. After the evaluation, based on the set indicators and the
scoring system, the top organizations in each industrial category will be introduced as the
recipients of the Iran-EMA. The information required in order to assess, rate, and rank the
applicants, can be divided into two groups:
- a. General info: Includes the information required for the registration and the
preliminary assessment.
- b. Energy-related technical/management info: Includes all information related
to the area of the controlled space, and the consumption of various energy carriers, as well as
the status and performance of the energy management system.
Given the importance of technical aspects of a tangible reduction in energy consumption and based on
the conducted plans for this category, the main portion of the points for the award consists of the
points for technical improvement level compared to the previous year. In order to ensure the related
processes for obtaining technical points to be systematic, certain points have been allocated to the
evaluated status of the energy management system. According to the definition of this objective, the
amount of energy consumption for any administrative building is the most important indicator in
evaluating the energy efficiency.
In order to make the assessment possible, applicants must provide the following information when
filling the statement form.
- • General specifications of the company
- • Energy consumption information
- • Information on the buildings, e.g., total area, controlled area, etc.
- • General information on the energy management system
The declarations are assessed by qualified teams of assessors, and in cases where the applicants does
not meet the set qualifications in terms of energy efficiency standards, they will not receive the
whole points of the technical section.
The status assessments of the energy management system will be conducted at the buildings’
Energy Saving Projects
Conforming to the model, the parameters that will be assessed and be the basis for the points’
calculation, include: energy saving magnitude; generalizability; innovativeness; and other important
energy-related features of the project, such as reduced emissions.
In this section, the purpose of assessing the Iran-EMA applicants is to review the below indexes in
terms of the award’s goals:
- • Energy savings’ status resulting from the project;
- • Evaluation of the outcomes and opportunities resulting from the project.
Topics to be evaluated in this category of the Iran-EMA include the carrier type of the saved energy,
the amount of the saved energy, the amount of reduction in pollutant emissions, etc. in the
applicants’ projects. After the evaluation, based on the set indicators and the scoring system, the
top organizations in each industrial category will be introduced as the recipients of the Iran-EMA.
The information required in order to assess, rate, and rank the applicants, can be divided into two
- a. General info: Includes the information required for the registration and the
- b. Energy-related technical/management info: Includes all information related
to the applicant’s
project budget and the consumption of various energy carriers.
In order to make the assessment possible, applicants must provide the following information when
filling the statement form.
- • General specifications of the company
- • Energy consumption information
The declarations are assessed by qualified teams of assessors, and the status assessments of the
project will be conducted at either the company’s or the project’s site.
Awarding Model
At the 7th Iranian National Energy Management Awards
The score for the energy efficiency of each enterprise (EPI) at the Iran-EMA is calculated based on
the total points earned in the three main award indicators, using the this formula:
These abbreviations stand for:
- - EPS: Energy Performance – [Energy Management] System points
- - EPT: Energy Performance – Technical points (status)
- - EPH: Energy Performance – History points (trend)
- - EPI: Energy Performance – Index